Bouquet of balloons - Marguerite - Happy Mother's Day


Surprise your mother with our Balloon Bouquet, an explosion of happiness to celebrate her special day. At the center of this dazzling bouquet is a large, blooming daisy, symbolizing the purity and beauty of motherly love. Surrounded by colorful latex balloons, each balloon is carefully printed with the words "Happy Mother's Day", expressing all your gratitude and affection. Whether it's for her birthday or Mother's Day, this balloon bouquet is the perfect gift to show your mother how special she is. Give him an explosion of joy and tenderness with this bouquet that will brighten his day and fill his heart with happiness.

Please note that the photo is a representative illustration of the final product and not an actual photograph. However, please be assured that our team strives to ensure that the delivered bouquet resembles the illustration shown as closely as possible.

The bouquet included

  • 1 large foil daisy balloon
  • 5 x 11 inch latex balloons
  • 1 weighing

**Please note that if a color or balloon is out of stock, a similar product will be provided as a replacement. **

For cancellations and changes, please submit your full refund request at least 24 hours prior to delivery or in-store pickup time. After this period, the balloons will be inflated and no refund will be possible.

* Carrying bag not included, available for $1.50.


Bouquets can be picked up in store or delivered locally for an additional fee (minimum of $10). Discount codes are not allowed on balloon assemblies.

Fast and free delivery with any purchase of $59 or more*!

Free delivery

Free delivery with purchases of $59 or more and ship from Quebec.

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Your order will be prepared today and delivered within 1 to 3 days in Quebec.


Products must be returned within 7 days of ordering and before October 15 using your online account at

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Pick up your order directly at our Rimouski store.